
How meditation can transform your life
Carla Martini Carla Martini

How meditation can transform your life

We all know that meditation is good for us but how many of us actually do it?

Buddha taught that ‘We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts’. Modern science has since confirmed the merits of meditation and its impact on the brain and the body. We now know that neuro-plasticity is when the brain has the capacity to change itself; by repeating the same action or thought pattern over and over again we can change how neurons talk to each other and fundamentally make positive changes to our minds, bodies and lives.

Find out here about the powers of meditation and how to make it easy with Yoga Nidra.

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Understanding the Vital Energy in Yoga and the Art of Pranayama
Carla Martini Carla Martini

Understanding the Vital Energy in Yoga and the Art of Pranayama

In the world of yoga, there is a powerful force that guides our every breath and movement - prana. This vital energy, often referred to as the life force, is believed to flow through our bodies, nourishing and sustaining us on both a physical and spiritual level. Understanding and harnessing the power of prana is at the core of the ancient practice of pranayama.

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Vegan Chocolate Ball Dates Recipe
Carla Martini Carla Martini

Vegan Chocolate Ball Dates Recipe

I have been making these Chocolate balls for treat time during my Bliss Out Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra Experiences and quite a lot of my students have been asking me for the recipe so here it is!

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What to Expect in a Carla Yoga Class
Carla Martini Carla Martini

What to Expect in a Carla Yoga Class

Are you searching for a yoga and meditation class in Jersey, Channel Island’s that's more than just a physical workout? Look no further than Carla Yoga! My classes offer a unique blend of practices designed to foster a deep sense of inner peace, self-awareness, and connection. In this blog post, we'll walk you through what to expect in one of my sessions, a non-competitive and integrative approach to yoga and mediation suitable for almost everyone.

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Exploring the 27 Nakshatras: Your Personal Mantras
Carla Martini Carla Martini

Exploring the 27 Nakshatras: Your Personal Mantras

In Hindu astrology, the 27 Nakshatras play a crucial role in interpreting a person's destiny and personality. Each Nakshatra is divided into four sections called 'padas,' and these are believed to have unique energies and mantras associated with them. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of Nakshatras and explore how these 27 lunar mansions, along with their padas, serve as personal mantras.

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Embrace the Cosmic Alignment: Magnifying the Lions Gate Portal Experience with Goddess Lakshmi
Carla Martini Carla Martini

Embrace the Cosmic Alignment: Magnifying the Lions Gate Portal Experience with Goddess Lakshmi

As we journey through the vast cosmic landscape of the universe, certain moments stand out as powerful gateways to higher consciousness and transformation. One such moment is the Lions Gate Portal, an annual celestial alignment that opens a path to heightened spiritual energies. This year, on the 8th day of the 8th month, we are presented with an extraordinary opportunity to magnify this experience by invoking the nurturing and abundant presence of Goddess Lakshmi.

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Yoga vs. Pilates: Understanding the Key Differences
Carla Martini Carla Martini

Yoga vs. Pilates: Understanding the Key Differences

In the world of fitness, there are numerous options available to improve physical well-being and achieve inner peace. Two popular practices that often get compared are yoga and Pilates. While both disciplines offer various benefits and share certain similarities, they have distinct characteristics that set them apart. In this blog post, we'll delve into the fundamental differences between Yoga and Pilates, helping you understand which practice aligns better with your personal goals and preferences.

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Yoga vs. Meditation: Unveiling the Paths to Inner Harmony
Carla Martini Carla Martini

Yoga vs. Meditation: Unveiling the Paths to Inner Harmony

In the quest for inner peace and self-discovery, yoga and meditation are two profound practices that have captured the hearts and minds of seekers for centuries. Rooted in ancient wisdom, these practices offer distinct yet complementary paths to finding harmony and balance. Understanding the connection between yoga and meditation can shed light on the transformative journey towards self-realisation.

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Yin Yoga for Back Pain Relief: Unlocking the Healing Potential of Gentle Poses
Carla Martini Carla Martini

Yin Yoga for Back Pain Relief: Unlocking the Healing Potential of Gentle Poses

Back pain is a common ailment that affects people of all ages and lifestyles. For those seeking a gentle yet effective approach to alleviate back pain, Yin Yoga offers a therapeutic and nurturing solution. Unlike more vigorous yoga styles, Yin Yoga focuses on long-held, passive postures that target the deeper connective tissues, promoting flexibility, release of tension, and ultimately providing relief for back discomfort. Let's explore some key Yin Yoga postures and their specific benefits in addressing back pain.

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Embrace Serenity: Why Carla Yoga is Perfect for Beginners
Carla Martini Carla Martini

Embrace Serenity: Why Carla Yoga is Perfect for Beginners

Embarking on a yoga journey can be an enriching and transformative experience, but it can also feel daunting, especially for beginners. I completely understand that taking those first steps into the world of yoga can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. That's why my integrated approach to yoga is thoughtfully designed to cater to individuals of all levels and ages, making it a perfect fit for beginners seeking to explore the path of self-discovery and holistic well-being.

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Journeying through the Origins of Tantra and Sri Vidya: Unveiling Ancient Mystical Traditions
Carla Martini Carla Martini

Journeying through the Origins of Tantra and Sri Vidya: Unveiling Ancient Mystical Traditions

As a seeker of truth and hacker of consciousness I am fascinated by the origins of ancient mystical traditions, and two such profound paths that captivate seekers are Tantra and Sri Vidya. These spiritual disciplines have left an indelible mark on the landscape of yoga and meditation, offering profound insights into the mysteries of existence and the nature of the divine.

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Discovering the Blissful Origins and Transformative Benefits of Yoga Nidra
Carla Martini Carla Martini

Discovering the Blissful Origins and Transformative Benefits of Yoga Nidra

As a qualified Yoga Nidra facilitator, I am thrilled to share the profound practice of Yoga Nidra with you. Rooted in ancient yogic traditions, Yoga Nidra is a transformative meditation technique that leads practitioners to a state of deep relaxation, inner peace, and self-discovery. In this blog post, we will explore the origins of Yoga Nidra, its countless benefits, and the influential figures behind its popularisation, Amrit Desai and Kamini Desai.

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The Value of Private Yoga Classes: Elevating Your Practice and Journey
Carla Martini Carla Martini

The Value of Private Yoga Classes: Elevating Your Practice and Journey

Many people have experienced the transformative power of yoga in group classes. However, there is another avenue that offers unique benefits and personal growth: private yoga classes. In this blog article, we explore the reasons why private yoga classes are worth investing in and how they can elevate your yoga practice and journey.

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The History of Kriya Yoga and Its Benefits
Carla Martini Carla Martini

The History of Kriya Yoga and Its Benefits

Kriya Yoga, a profound spiritual practice that combines meditation, breath control, and self-discipline, traces its origins back to ancient India. It is rooted in the teachings of yoga and the profound wisdom of the Himalayan sages. The word "Kriya" is derived from the Sanskrit term "kri," meaning action, and "ya," meaning soul. Together, Kriya Yoga translates to the "yoga of action" or the "yoga of the soul." In this article, we explore the rich history of Kriya Yoga and its numerous benefits for practitioners.

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Understanding Kundalini Energy
Carla Martini Carla Martini

Understanding Kundalini Energy

Kundalini, often described as the "coiled serpent," is an ancient concept rooted in Eastern spiritual traditions. It represents an innate spiritual energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine, waiting to be awakened. The exploration of Kundalini is a fascinating journey that spans thousands of years, attracting seekers from diverse backgrounds. In this blog post, we will delve into the essence of Kundalini, its significance, and the transformative potential it holds for those who embark on the path of awakening.

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Yoga for Anxiety
Carla Martini Carla Martini

Yoga for Anxiety

Mental Health issues such as anxiety and depression are not just things I have read about it. I have lived with them for most of my life but have now learned how to manage them with yogic tools such as breath work and meditation. I’m not saying that I don’t ever feel low or anxious but I am a lot better equipped with the knowledge and tools that yoga provides.

In this article I hope to share some of the reasons why we can feel states of anxiety, what exactly is yoga and how can it help when your mind feels like it’s taking over and controlling your moods and emotions.

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